Training = Adaptation

Strength and conditioning is about adaptation. You stress the body, in specific ways, to create a change, or adaptation to a certain stimulus. Textbooks call this the SAID Principle, Specific Adaption to Imposed Demands. 

What the principle doesn’t account for, is that training one thing, makes you more prepared to train for another. For example, if you spend a lot of time getting stronger, you will have an easier time adapting to a challenge of endurance, like running a 10k or biking for 90 minutes. The strength, motor control, body awareness and the knowing what it takes to make changes and adapt leaves you better prepared than someone starting from scratch. 

To put it in less words, knowing how to train for one thing gives you the ability to train and adapt to a host of other things. You know how it works, how to “put the reps in.”

The point I’m getting to; you can adapt to the current situation. From strength and conditioning, you know a few things to be true. Adaptation takes patience, consistency, a growth mindset and willingness to forgive yourself of mistakes, ditching thoughts of perfectionism and most importantly, believing in yourself. 

Justin Miner



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