New Year, Same Routine?
Are you confused at what day it is, and craving your schedule and your routine back, or is that just me?
The end of the year is the perfect time to check out, recharge and get invigorated.
If you’re like me, you like having a schedule and a routine though. While it was nice not having one for a couple weeks, and getting to spend a ton of time at home with the kids, I’m ready for my routine.
With the New Year, many of us have the urge to dive in the deep end and start a bunch of new habits and goals, only, as the common story goes, to fizzle out before the month’s end, never mind the year’s end.
This week, instead of creating new routines and habits, I’m falling back on my usual ones. These are really simple, basic habits that I need to check in and make sure I’m accomplishing without issue before even thinking about adding more to my plate.
For me, these things are; in bed before 9pm every night, water before coffee in the morning, no caffeine after 2pm, protein at every meal and my nightly wind down mobility routine.
Once I feel back at baseline, I’ll considering adding some new habits and routines in, but this week, I’m focused on making sure I’m continuing the old ones.
Justin Miner