
You know by now that keeping a food log is the best way to up your nutritional awareness.

If you're ready to level up again, the next piece to figure out is how much protein you're eating.

Many people are surprised at how little protein they eat once they see it quantified.

Instead of using an online calculator or doing some equation like 1g of protein for every pound of bodyweight, aim for a number slightly higher than what you're currently at. If you're only consuming 75g of protein a day, and want to be eating 125g, don't jump straight there. Hit 100g first and see how it goes.

Use these tips to make sure you're setting yourself up for protein success each day.

- Protein at every meal. No matter what.

- More eggs

- Find protein rich snacks

- If you still need more, consider adding protein shake

If possible with protein powder, try a couple different kinds to see what you like and how your body reacts. You can also add it to something like oatmeal to to turn it into a meal of mostly carbs to a meal of protein and carbs.

Once you figure out a good level of protein, you can start using that as a way to create boundaries and guide your food choices.

Justin Miner



Discipline Reps


Desire to Train