Complicated Optimization

Here’s a perfect example of more information complicating things more than they need to be. In a sense, this is a follow up on the idea of yesterday’s post. More information for the sake of optimization is not always more beneficial, of course depending on context, goals, etc.

I was listening to the Huberman Lab Podcast about supplements and nutrition. They discussed how taking 5 grams of creatine monohydrate is the general recommendation. They went on to discuss that someone like me, who is over 200 pounds, could be taking more than that because of the increased bodyweight.

One scoop from my tub is 5 grams. One scoop from most all creatine monohydrate tubs is 5 grams. I’m not precise when I measure it. Careless even. For me, the exact dosing doesn’t matter. This creatine will provide incremental gains for me over time. The longer and more consistently I take it, the more likely it is to provide some benefits.

Whether it’s 5 grams, 7 grams or 10 grams, it doesn’t matter if I don’t take it. Taking a scoop isn’t complicated. Taking more would be complicated. I’m going to keep doing the same thing so I can more easily stick with it and be consistent.

I’m all about small incremental changes that have a big pay off, but small changes with incremental pay off are often more headache than it’s worth. If I’m getting most of the way there, I’ll keep it simple.

Justin Miner



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Optimized and Unrealistic