Goals or Wishes

I keep seeing Reels and TikTok’s portraying someone’s goals for the year. There will be 10 items on the screen. Things like:

Be more intentional with spending

Be more consistent with my eating

Less eating out

Cook more

More walks

Less phone time

4 workout classes per week

More protein

The list could go on.

These are all excellent things to try to do. Saying them doesn’t make them goals though - that’s why it’s a cultural joke no one sticks with resolutions for the new year.

These are just wishes. Stuff these people hope will happen for them.

To make lasting change, you’ve got to implement a plan, have accountability and rewards.

In other words create a system that leads to new habits.

Reframing goals to habits alone can make a huge difference.

If a goal is something you want, the habit is what will get you there AND keep you there.

Don’t just create a wish list, you need a process. Create a map of how you’ll get there.

Justin Miner



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