Slow & Steady

Today’s blog is a reminder that this health and fitness stuff can take a long time. Not rushing to the finish line is the key to success. You’ve got to stay determined and diligent, progress takes time. 

In fact, the best progress is the progress you don’t even notice. Progress that happens year to year that you totally miss until you stop and reflect.

I had that realization after a tough run in the mountains this weekend. Completing the run wasn’t due to one training block, one long run or one track workout. It wasn’t due to a single workout in the gym, or a single movements I’ve been practicing. It was the results of the accumulated effort over years. All the runs, all the rest days, all the gym workouts, all the nutritional choices and all the hours of sleep.

It’s hard to notice day to day, but year to year can really paint a picture. Make sure you’re playing the game long enough to reap the benefits of accumulation.

Justin Miner



Squat Mastery


Nutritional Consistency