Hours on the Floor

I have a confession to make. I haven’t been working on my mobility as much as I normally do. I’ve been training pretty hard, too. Normally I take time to roll and stretch and mobilize my joints to feel as fresh as possible. I haven’t had to spend as much time dedicated to this since March, and I’ll tell you why: sitting on the floor.

March to June I was coaching at least 5 hours a week virtually. Since June, that changed to 3 hours per week. Each and every Zoom class, virtual one on one and FaceTime consult, I sit on the floor. There’s no magic position I put myself in, but rather try to move around into many different positions. 

I’ve talked before of the importance of sitting on the floor and the numerous benefits. Spending 60 some odd hours on the floor over the past several months certainly helped my hips. Instead of looking for the most ergonomical set up you can find for your office, instead, try to spend a little more time on the floor. It’ll be hard at first, but over time, your mobility will improve and sitting on the floor will be easier. 

Justin Miner



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