Why Strength and Conditioning

Do you ever wonder why I named the gym Gain Strength and Conditioning? Until recently there weren’t many strength and conditioning coaches in private facilities like there are today. Instead, the title was reserved for athletic development, mostly at the collegiate and professional level. As training became more popular, and more and more high school kids were interested at playing in the collegiate level, more and more high school and private facility strength coaches started appearing. 

Today, strength and conditioning has transcended its athletics background and serves people of all fitness levels and goals. We learned that training like an athlete is the superior way to be generally fit and healthy. To have a strong, independent and capable life. 

Strength and Conditioning is about taking the whole body into consideration. Instead of training just to get tired or sweaty, strength and conditioning coaches take many factors into account when creating a plan. Physiological response to improve force production, power output and stamina are a few of the main ones. We also consider how the musculoskeletal system plays a role in quality of movement, soft tissue health, volume tolerance, training age and injury history.

The goal of strength and conditioning, and how it deviates from a general fitness classes, is that it's performance driven. Strength and Conditioning was born in athletics to increase on the field/court/ice performance. Today, we use these principles to improve performance in our everyday life. That’s the beauty of strength and conditioning, it scales. We use the same principles and the same understanding of physiology to get you on an Olympic team or to hold up better gardening in the hot summer sun. 

We’re called Gain Strength and Conditioning because we’re here to improve your performance, whatever that means to you. 

Justin Miner



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