One Hundred Percent
It’s no secret we love AirBikes.
It’s also no secret that most people hate them.
The reason we like them and clients hate them is the same: they’re incredible hard. As coaches, our job is to get a good training response from you. Sometimes that means going 100 percent. On an AirBike, finding 100 percent is easy and safe. It’s low skill and self regulating.
We probably won’t have you deadlift or squat 100 percent of what you could handle. You can get all the strength benefits minus the risks hanging out at 80 or 90 percent. On a rower or SkiErg, 100 percent requires a high degrees of skill and with that probably several months of practice.
When you have that 10-30 second interval on the AirBike though, let loose, go 100 percent and don’t hold back. It’s one of the safest ways we can get maximum effort out of anyone. It’ll help your endurance, power output and mindset. Let it rip the next time your program calls for some AirBike intervals.
Justin Miner