Do More of This

I like making choices that have little to no downside.

Investors would call it asymmetrical risk.

Meaning, there are no consequences for making a the choice. A good example of this is unsubscribing from emails. After we buy something online, we let the store pepper our inbox with sales and discounts and all sorts of reasons to log back in and buy more. Without those emails, we might not click and shop. Missing a potential discount is a zero downside for me. Other examples include drinking more water, eating more vegetables and of course, walking.

Walking is one of the things I recommend to most people. 

There is no downside.

You get outside, move, breathe, and get a wonderful dose of low-level cardio that’s great for you health and well-being. 

It’s great for stress management.

It’s great when you’re sore from lifting in the gym.

It’s good for your sleep cycle to get outside and exposed to sunlight. 

Your joints will be thankful for the easy movement.

Your brain will thank you for the screen break.

How can you fit more walking into your day?

Justin Miner 


Major Workout Moments from the Past 16 Years


Feeling Connected