Trying Viral Recipes Part 2

Last week’s Instagram recipe was a flop.

It was cheeseburger mac and cheese, and it was just trying too hard. I gave it a 5/10, which was probably generous from my wife’s perspective.

This week’s recipe comes from the same account and was much more of a hit in our house, something more along the lines of a normal meal we would make, but the sauce on the recipe was excellent.

Honey Teriyaki Chicken and Rice

Overall Grade: 8/10

Simple recipe, we didn’t have cornstarch, but otherwise made it work. Personally, you can’t go wrong with boneless skinless chicken thighs in the crock pot, it shreds apart easily and is delicious. The sauce, 10/10, took some playing around to get the right amount of kick, but simple and easy to make.

We kept the rice separate, made using a rice cooker, the MVP of the kitchen, and added some peppers and onions and leafy greens to the meal as well.

Give this one a shot!

Justin Miner



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Gym Lingo: EMOM