Friday tHoughts 64

Welcome to this week’s edition of Friday Thoughts, where I share half formed blog ideas and some of my favorite videos I saw on Instagram recently. Enjoy!

I’ve always liked listening to podcasts and books. The first audiobook I ever listened to was the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson while I was commuting to finish out my college credits. Back then you had to download a book on a computer and transfer it over to an iPod. That book had a big impact on me, and is the reason we have a pirate flag in the gym. This past year, I have been listening to and reading the same book.

I forget exactly how it came about, but in early 2024 I was reading the Expanse series by James S.A. Corey and had a road trip coming up that I would be solo on, so I got the book I was currently reading on Audible, and listened to it on the road trip. This let me listen to a chapter or two while driving, and then pick back up when reading later. It isn’t always feasible, to get both the book and audiobook, but I will when I can. It helps me stay engaged in a book and I love it.

This clip talks about some of the interesting benefits of listening to books be read aloud.

This clip makes me sad, and unfortunately, it’s a reminder that no matter how perfectly you do something, shit happens. Lauren knows all the right ACL prevention; does all the warming up, cooling down, strength work, plyometrics, recovery, etc. You can still take a funny step and tear right through the ACL and become another non-contact ACL statistic though. Best of luck on your rehab Lauren.

Some January James Clear Inspiration.

This was an interesting take on stability from the internet’s favorite Olympian.

Pie January…

Thanks for reading, until next time!

Justin Miner



All Week


Which is more impressive?