How to Build to a PR Attempt

Nothing is worse than planning to hit a big PR in the gym, and instead you fry yourself on the build up to the goal weight. There is a fine line between doing enough work to actually get warmed up, and managing fatigue so you feel fresh when you get there.

Here are some basic rules to follow when trying to ring the PR bell.

  • Do the minimum amount of work to get there, i.e., don’t do all sets of 10 working up to a 3 rep max.

  • When in doubt, spend more time with just the bar. I’ll typically do AT LEAST 50 empty bar reps when warming up for a back squat.

  • Keep the weight jumps the same, or smaller, as you get heavier…Even if this makes plate math more difficult.

  • Minimize attempts over 90% of your best to just 3 lifts. Managing CNS fatigue is just as important as having strong muscles to hit a big lift.

  • Rest 3-4 minutes between all sets. Seriously!

Here’s an example of someone’s build up to hit a 200 pound squat.

2x10 @ 45 LBS

1x8 @ 95

1x6 @ 115

1x4 @ 135

1x3 @ 155

1x3 @ 175

1x1 @ 185

1x1 @ 195

1x1 @ 200

1x1 @ 205*

*adding in a fourth single above 90% is usually a sign that you’re having a good day.

While these aren’t hard, fast rules that will apply to all of you, for all of your PR attempts. I hope they can be used as guardrail to help guide your weight selection.

The ability to plan out a big lift attempt is an important skill for all seasoned lifters to know.

Justin Miner





June By the Numbers