Friday Thoughts 32

  • Market Square Day 10k. If you run it, I’ll give you a GAIN shirt for free! They’re a dry-fit style similar to ones we have done in the past. If you aren’t running the race, shirts will be available to purchase.

  • Speaking of shirts, the highly anticipated Garage Door Szn tee will be available next week. Keep an eye on Instagram to get a sneak peak of how they came out.

  • Pizza & Potluck: Wednesday May 22nd at 5:30pm! Lots of you have signed up to bring something, we’re looking forward to a fun night hanging out at the gym celebrating Taylor and Caroline.

  • A couple people sent me this video from Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Move more! Not only are there blood sugar benefits, this method also feeds your ankles, knees and hips a nice full range of motion serval times throughout the day. Awesome!

  • Another all time great video from these two. All too common advice is that your knees should NEVER go past your toes. As with most things, it’s a little more complicated than that, and often times someone can’t do it simply because they stopped doing it for a long time. You can train with a vertical shin and avoid any discomfort, but overtime we want to strive for the ability to move the shin forward to make things like walking downstairs easier.

  • I never understood this until I tried it. I always wrote it off because it looked complicated, but it locks my foot in much better, and I never have to adjust my shoes 20 minutes into a run like I used to have to.

Until next week!

Justin Miner



Pizza & Potluck, Final Reminder


Strength and Conditioning Basics