Gym Lingo: Rounds vs. Sets

Sets and rounds are similar terms that mean basically the same thing. It’s how many rotations you will complete an exercise or series of exercises.

I differentiate between the two when writing a program.

I use sets when describing something with a prescribed rest. Whether it is heavy squats or 400m running intervals, if it has a programmed rest, it’s a set.


Back squat 5 sets of 5 @ 70% of max with a 2 minute rest b/t sets


8 sets of 400m run @ moderate pace with a 90 second rest

Rounds on the other hand are more casual. Complete 5 rounds at a steady pace. Or complete 5 rounds for time, or as fast as possible. While there isn’t a prescribed rest within a round, you can take a break and pace yourself to ensure quality.

Complete 3 rounds at a steady pace:

8 push ups

10 ring rows

12 mb slams

Or complete 3 rounds for time:

50ft sled march

10 bw squats

Justin Miner



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