Sneaky Reps

I have this sneaky, but obvious once you see it, thing in many of the programs I write. It’s an important consideration of mine, especially for someone who’s older.

I’ll pair something seated or standing with something on the floor.

Often times, I’ll notice, or the person will it bring up to me, that they’ll just do all the planks, or glute bridges, or whatever while staying on the floor, and thus not pairing it as written on their program.

While I understand their hesitation, I explain the gym is the perfect place for some exposure and practice reps.

Three rounds can become 3 chances to do a floor to standing transition - a critical life skill!

Get those sneaky reps in when you can. Maybe getting up off the floor is no big deal for you, but can you sneak in some squats throughout the day? Spend more time balancing on one leg? Carry something without putting it down, for no reason at all, other than see if you can.

Listen, don’t take it too far. I’m not saying make all life movements look like gym movements. I’ve tried and it’s not the way. I’m saying there’s plenty of opportunities to get sneaky reps in. For some, it’s as simple as adding some reps to get up and down from the floor. For you, maybe there’s another way to accumulate some sneaky reps in throughout the day.

Justin Miner



Gym Lingo: AMRAP


Daily Walking Challenge Check In