Friday Thoughts #5
If you’re still coming up with a habit for the Daily Habit Challenge, here are 5 easy picks for you:
Walk 7500 steps each day.
Eat 100g of protein every day.
10 minutes of rolling and/or stretching at night before bed.
Lay down and take 10 big deep breaths before drinking coffee in the morning.
Do 25-50 kettlebell swings/push ups/bw squats/etc.
Tracking your habit is key to your success. It provides a reward for the habit and will reinforce the desired behavior. Here are a couple options:
Old fashioned calendar. Print out a calendar of the month, write your habit on top, stick it somewhere obvious and cross off a box each time you complete your habit.
Reminders App. This built in app to the iPhone is way underrated. Set up a recurring reminder to ping you each day at a specific time for the whole month. This is my preferred method.
Third party app. When we did this last in 2019, I used a free habit tracker app called Done. That one is still around along with countless others.
I’m past the halfway point of my Easy Strength program. The goal is to accumulate at least 40 workouts - simple, to the point, hard but not too stressful. People keep asking if I am getting bored. Not at all, I’m relieved. It’s easy knowing exactly what I’m going to do that day. I can procrastinate my way out of training by figuring out what to so sometimes, but not with this, I just start squatting.
After my big mountain run of the summer, I took off 6 weeks from running. Last week’s Seacoast Cancer 5k was the first time I laced up my running shoes since. I ran it with Hannah and the boys in the double stroller. It was some of the most fun I’ve ever had running.
Justin Miner