Loading Push Ups

I write a lot about getting your first push up, or how to properly scale push ups to get the best training stimulus. Today, I am shifting gears and talking about progressing push ups, specifically, how to load them using a variety of techniques.

Band Resisted: a method of putting a band around your band, and anchoring it to the ground using your hands. This adds more difficulty at the top, which is the easier range of motion, and provides less resistance on the bottom.

Weight Vest or Ruck: using an external load the make the reps more challenging. Historically, we could put a plate on someone’s back, but the ruck, or even the weight vest, are much more secure, easier to set up by yourself, and it gives you more loading options.

Feet Elevated: not a technique we use often, but lifting your feet off the ground, say 14-20 inches, will increase the amount of your body weight you’re pressing each rep.

Honorable mention: increased range of motion push ups. Using plates, dumbbells, kettlebells or parallettes can increase the difficulty because they require more stability and time under tension. Going deeper make the press out of the hole more demanding.

If you’re ready for a push up challenge, load them up and see what you’ve got!

Justin Miner



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