Upgrade Your Kettlebell Swing

Use these 3 tips to make sure you’re getting the most of your kettlebell swing.

1. Exhale at the top

Use a sharp exhale at the top while squeezing the handle, your butt and your belly. Breathe in while the kettlebell falls.

2. Break the handle

Speaking of squeezing the handle. At the top, squeeze hard and twist your pinkies down. You'll feel it from your wrists to your shoulders, arm pits and upper back. On the way down, briefly relax you grip before the next rep.

3. Spread the floor

But not too much. Screw your feet into the ground to create tension. When the kettlebell falls, push your knees apart from one another ever so slightly. Don't go so much you're on the outside of your feet. Keep your toes on the ground and push through your mid foot as you snap the kettlebell to the top.

Justin Miner



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