Cut it Short

I have a piece of advice for all runners who are getting out there more and more frequently this Spring in preparation for some summer events. This advice is served as a reminder for myself too.

Cut your run a little short and walk to cool down.

I know. You’ll cover less ground in your given running window, and it will take you 10 minutes longer to finish. Not to mention in wrecks your average pace on Strava, so everyone will think you’re slow.

It will, however, give your body time to readjust. Instead of ripping the emergency break and stopping, giving your physiology time to runs its course and kickstart the recovery process can make a big difference on the next run, and the next run and the next run.

What’s a proper cool down feel like? An easy way is to check is your breathing. Once cooled down, your breathing should feel regulated, you could take multiple inhales with long exhales, at least 5-6 seconds, in a row.

Justin Miner



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