3 Rounds, 4 Rounds, 5 Rounds...
The perfect training program doesn’t exist. Even the most experienced coaches can’t predict future when writing a program. How is someone going to feel? Are they’re going to be late? Do they have to hustle back to work for a meeting after the training session? Those things will all impact their workout and none of it is something we can plan for when writing a program.
These cases are the perfect opportunity to modify your plan. Going forward, I want you to take a look at your workout, and if you’re on a time crunch, or are always getting time capped, look at the program and decide what is going to have the biggest positive impact on you and contribute towards you goals.
Maybe that means cutting back a round or two of the accessory work so you can get to your conditioning finisher. Maybe it’s adding a round of your heavy movement since it look a while to get the form down. Maybe you need to prioritize doing a mobility cool down rather than some intervals or vise versa.
Our job as coaches is to help you make these designs and modify the plan if needed. Don’t ever feel like what’s written down is set in stone. Great coaches can modify on the fly, trim a workout down to the most important chunks, or make it more manageable to move through all the tasks with better efficiency.
Justin Miner