Foundation of Easy Days

I saw this quote the other day on Instagram:

“PRs are built on the foundation of easy days.”

It really resonated with me, and I hope you can relate to it too, because not every single session you come to the gym needs to be a heroic effort.

Most of the stuff we do in the gym will feel pretty easy. Progress can feel so slow.

Every session doesn’t have to end with you laying on the floor, or feeling sore muscles. All that stuff is made up, that soreness and sweat levels are indicators of effectiveness.

Most of the time, you need to go in and check the box.

Move around, elevate your heart rate, expose your body to some ranges of motion and move on with your day.

Over a long enough time period, most of the sessions feel pretty easy.

That isn’t a bad thing, it’s training.

Justin Miner



Thanksgiving Hours


The Lindy Effect, Barbells and Good Old Fashioned Strength and Conditioning