How Much Protein?

If you're ready to level up your nutrition, the next piece to figure out is how much protein you're eating.

Protein is important. We all know that it’s important for building muscle. But it’s also about recovering from workouts and having a well-functioning body.

Many people are surprised at how little protein they eat once they see it quantified.

If you Google how much protein you should eat, you’ll find answers like .6-1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight or desired bodyweight. The problem, is you need to know how much you’re eating to begin with, before picking a goal, there is no context for the number.

The best way to find out exactly how much protein you’re eating is to weight your food. Do a few days in a row and see what you average. From there, you’ll have more information to figure out a good target.

f you're consuming 75g of protein a day, and want to be eating 125g, don't jump straight there. Build slow and be consistent with 100g first and see how it goes before adding more.

Use these tips to make sure you're setting yourself up for protein success each day.

- Protein at every meal. No matter what.

- Find protein rich snacks

- Add a protein shake

If possible with protein powder, try a couple different kinds to see what you like and how your body reacts. You can also add it to oatmeal to to turn it into a meal of mostly carbs to a meal of protein and carbs, or even to yogurt, pancakes and muffins to up the grams of protein.

Once you figure out a good level of protein, you can use that as a way to create healthy nutrition habits and guide your food choices so you’re getting muscle building nutrients daily and consistently.

Justin Miner



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