Friday Thoughts #11

Welcome to this week’s edition of random Friday thoughts and links. Enjoy.

  • Want to know where your hip flexors are, and how many other layers of muscle they’re underneath? Check out this post and see why they can be a tricky muscle group to stretch.

  • We’ve been on a kiwi kick here in the Miner household and I was always frustrated with my yield after cutting the skin off. I even thought I was clever using a vegetable peeler instead of a knife. Maybe I’ve been living under a rock and you already know this, but you can scoop the kiwi right out of the skin.

  • A lot of people have asked what shoes I’ve been wearing, especially after my squat video from last week. Those are called weightlifting shoes. Not weight lifting shoes, as in shoes for lifting weights, but weightlifting, as in the sport comprised two moves, the snatch and the clean and jerk. The primary objective is to get a barbell from the floor to over your head in an athletic, fluid motion. These shoes are stiff and rigid, perfect for transferring and absorbing force and the elevated heels give me more ankle range of motion to get my torso more upright, or in a stronger position to hoist a bar.

    By the way, this was 355, a PR. the difference between 350 on 12/24/21 vs 355 now. (swipe over to see the 2021 squat).

  • Final thought for the week. This excellent post from Jon Goodman about being boring.

Justin Miner



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