Bored and Okay

Yesterday I completed workout 25/40 on the program I’m following, called Easy Strength. Each of the 25 workouts has been exactly the same. Two sets of back squats, probably some dips, maybe some pull ups, and a kettlebell complex to warm up.

People keep asking if I’m bored. It couldn’t be further from the truth. The simplicity of the workouts are keeping me engaged. There’s no decision on what to do, I can just start training. Sure, I’m starting to want a little variety. But craving variety for the sake of variety kills peoples’ progress in the gym.

Instead of needing something new to entertain you, bask in the boredom. Get comfortable with it. Doing the same thing over and over again is what the majority of training is, and how to properly build real strength and conditioning.

Justin Miner



Habit Check In


Balanced Feet