Vague Goals
When creating goals, it’s important to be specific… most of the time.
Having S.M.A.R.T. goals is great. If you’re unsure what I’m referencing the acronym stands for:
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic & Time-bound.
When determining goals, those factors are incredibility important, except when they’re not. What I mean is the not all of your goals have to be ultra specific. You can have vague goals, and in fact, they may be more helpful in helping you build discipline, which is necessary for when motivation is diminished.
Here’s an example, I want to live to 100 years old. While that goals doesn’t provide me with any actionable processes I can use each day, it serves as a reminder to get to work, be consistent and keep the 30 thousand foot view of my health. My more specific goals can contribute to this ambiguous goal of living for a long time. I use that goal as a lens though which to view other goals and actions.
Start dreaming, what do you want to be able to do in 10 or 20 years? Want to still be able to ride a bike? Or put your kayak in the water by yourself? Those are worthy goals worth striving for, but they might not require any specific training, you might just need to stick with something and stay the course long enough.
Justin Miner