Struck a Nerve

When I got home on Monday night, I was reflecting on how my day went. The past two Monday’s punched me in the face and I felt like I was reacting to everything and totally unprepared. On Sunday, I took 20 minutes and organized my week in my notebook, a practice I normally do but have gotten away from over the past couple months. I came up with a rough idea for workouts for the week, coaching schedule, meetings and even came up with a game plan as to how I would eat each day. It was really helpful and instead of Monday morning being a total shock to the system, I was ready and prepared. 

Back to Monday night. I was home and reflecting on the day and I still needed to make an Instagram post to the Gain page. So I asked the Gain Community a question, “Grade yourself, how did you start the week?”

To my surprise, this was the least interacted with post ever. People did not like that I asked them to be introspective and actually grade themselves on how they did. Now, I don’t really care about the likes, but I hope it made you stop and reflect and ponder how things could have been better or different. In order to improve, we need to be able to reflect and be introspective and frequently ask ourselves, how did I do today? 

Justin Miner




More Weight Please


First Gain Social of 2020