Yesterday, while exploring the island, Hannah and I came upon this park with a trail hat navigates the boundary. We walked down the steep road, afraid our tiny car would get stuck if we drove. Once we got to the bottom, we found a popular swimming spot beneath a large waterfall.
I pulled up the description of the trail, which said, follow the pipeline. Well, there was a large pipe running up the hill where the waterfall was coming from. We found some stairs cut out of the earth and followed that up to the pipeline. Then, several cement stairs took us to a platform, where a grated metal catwalk joined the pipe. This large pipe was the start of the trail. The thin grates, bent in some places, navigated over the pipe, high in the air with a handrail on one side.
If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I’m not a fan of heights. I hate ladders, don’t like looking down and had a panic attack on the Golden Gate Bridge many years ago. After reading Atomic Habits though, besides right now, I refuse to identify as someone who’s afraid of heights. Sure, I still am, but the way to overcome it is to identify as someone who isn’t afraid at all. That’s what I was telling Hannah yesterday and I was squeezing the handrail with all my might.
Our self identity can trap us sometimes. Being someone who eats healthy, or who can never stay on a diet, or who hates exercise can all be crutches that we create for ourselves. Careful what you identify as.
Justin Miner