Breakfast Salad

I’ve been on a mission to eat more vegetables. It was clearly an area that had been lacking and I needed up my game and tame my appetite for cookies*. For the past 3 weeks, I’ve been doing just that. 

I’ve been trying to hit 800 grams of fruits and veggies everyday. As someone who doesn’t like a lot of rules and restrictions, this one appealed to me for its simplicity. Did you get it or not? What I’ve found is that without any planning, it becomes impossible to hit the number. 

On days that I’m not able to prepare a lot of food, breakfast salad has become my savior. Eating a big serving of veggies in the morning does a couple things. It sets me up for success the rest of the day. It eliminates guilt in any other food choices I make throughout the day and it gives me a huge head start towards hitting the mark. 

I’m starting to settle into a good routine where more vegetables is less effort. If you’re curious about the challenge, you can learn about it here

Justin Miner


*My cookie appetite isn’t tame, its cookie season…but at least I’m eating more fruits and veggies!


I Can't Breathe!


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